About Us
Carol, Judy and Susan are the three owners of Tried But True and met while living on the same street in Cockeysville over 40 years ago. Tried But True's first store was a single room in the Tyrie Monument Building in Cockeysville that flooded after TBT's first year of business. The flood, however, did not dampen our spirits and we gradually expanded to two rooms. Outgrowing that space we then moved to another location on York Road and as of April 2020 we are excited to invite you to our new store at 10914 York Road (just north of our prior location) in the historic Cockeysville Bank building!
As we each have grandchildren of our own, one of our favorite things to hear is when a customer says she bought clothes for her own children at our store and now is back to buy for her grandchildren.
Our purpose in starting the shop was to provide a service for both our consignors and shoppers, and after 30 years of business we are indeed the Tried But True consignment boutique of Baltimore!
Celebrating over 40 years in business!